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Listing Score and Search Order

Listing Score and Search Order

All listings are sorted based on their total score – the higher the score the better the position.

To view your listing score, login to Owner Home. Right at the top of the Summary page, you will see your listing score. You will also see how many listings have better, same and worse scores.

Click on the link with your own score to view exactly which areas can be improved. You will see a table: on the left side there are areas that are scored and their maximum points, and on the right – your own points for those respective areas.

As you improve your listing score, you will see immediate results as your listing’s position will go up. You can check it out here:

Within the subgroup of the same score, the listings get sorted by user activity. When you login to Owner Home and update your listing – submit reviews, update rates, etc. – your listing pops to the top of your score group immediately.

We encourage you to check your listing score and improve it. We constantly see that more complete listings with more attractive photos receive more inquiries.