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Author: Karen Alman

Karen Alman is faculty and chair of the communication studies department at a small community college in Washington state. When she is not teaching, she is hiking, gardening, and producing works of art. Originally from the Caribbean, her love of culture and travel has taken her to Hawaii and Mexico several times, and to countries in Europe and Asia where she has found experiences to rave and write about.
There’s Nothing Plain About Vanilla

There’s Nothing Plain About Vanilla

Vanilla is an Old World flavoring and aromatic that is highly favored in cooking, coffee, candles, and cosmetics. But few people know exactly what vanilla is, how it is cultivated, and why it has become the second most expensive spice in the world. That is what visitors to the Hawaiian Vanilla Company were about to discover during a luncheon and tour on Monday, September 9, 2024. The company is in Paauilo on the Hilo-Hamuka Heritage Coast of the Big Island,…

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